This Easter, the mood is more optimistic a year into the COVID-19 pandemic compared to last Easter when schools and businesses had just locked down, ushering in a spring of uncertainty.
Brandon Crawford has been the pastor at Grace Baptist Church (500 Cosmopolitan Avenue) in Marshall for more than 10 years and said Easter last year was “very subdued.”
“We offered only live steam and it was just me and the camera,” said Crawford. “We were still learning what COVID-19 was. The health professionals were still trying to figure out the best ways to treat patients. There was a lot of anxiety and a general fear of what the upcoming months were going to look like.
“This year, it’s quite a bit different. It’s still subdued, but we are now offering in-person worship and we know now what we are dealing with in regard to COVID. A lot of that anxiety is now gone away, and people have made adjustments to their lifestyles in order to cope with it…The energy is a bit higher, and I now sense more of an impatience to get things back to normal.”
Crawford said a year ago, he nor most people could not foresee the impact the pandemic would have.
“When we shut down all of in-person programs at Grace we were thinking two weeks or maybe four weeks,” said Crawford. “That was what we were kind of thinking it would be. But then the two weeks turned into four, and the four weeks turned into 12 and on it went. We definitely did not think it was going to stretch out that long.”
Crawford said the past year has shown that people need their local church.
“They need the worship they get there; they need the teaching they get, but they also need the support group around them,” he said. “The congregation is made up of people they know and love. People do much better in a community of people than being by themselves in isolation…It’s not the building and it’s not a livestream, which is a nice temporary crisis for a short-term crisis. That is no way to do church long term. It’s inadequate to meet church members’ needs. Even scaled back, it’s important to have that option available for people.”
And this Easter, he said, is a chance for people to regain their sense of hope.
“Easter is the most hopeful event on the church calendar,” said Crawford. “We are celebrating resurrection. The resurrection of Christ is everything. For us, it is the validation of all that He said and did and it’s the confirmation that there is life beyond death for us. So, this year, as we contemplate the resurrection together, we’re going to be emphasizing all of that. Even in the midst of an unspeakable tragedy like the crucifixion, there was a resurrection after that. And in the same way for all who believe, there is reason to hope, even as you are going through some awful circumstances… God does not leave his people in misery forever. There may be a season of it, but the resurrection comes and there is hope afterwards.”
The pastor added that those themes are some of the things people have been living and experiencing over the past year, making the role of the church more important than it has ever been for many in his congregation.
“It's really rewarding when you help someone through those difficult times,” said Crawford. “There was so much anxiety and grief that we started a support group- not just for our congregation, but we opened it up to the entire community. We had about half church members and half community members. We just tried to work through our anxiety and grief together in a group setting because there was just so much of it.”
Crawford said it usually takes him about eight hours or so to write his weekly sermon but noted that that was the “easiest” part of his job.
“The hard part is the one-on-one ministry with people where they’ve just gotten this pink slip from work and they don’t know how they are going to pay their bills or they’re having anxiety attacks because of all the things swirling around them or they have received a serious health diagnosis and they’re struggling with that diagnosis and figuring out what to do next,” he said. “That’s the hard part- helping them to overcome the very difficult struggles that they have… It’s been a really challenging year for a lot of people, especially for those who have been unemployed for a year’s time.”
Crawford said the church’s Benevolence Fund offers emergency financial relief to people, and not surprisingly, has been utilized more than it has ever been during the COVID pandemic.
“Over the past year, we have given thousands and thousands of dollars in emergency aid to people, far more than we have ever done in the fast,” said Crawford, who also noted that the church is preparing to be a fresh food distribution site.
“Those who can’t afford the meat, milk, cheese and produce can come to our church and get a box of that for no cost, no questions asked,” he said.
Crawford said he hoped the church’s new tagline, Offering help and hope through the Gospel of Christ, will help people find the faith and comfort they have needed during these challenging times.
“We wanted to be a place that people would run to when they are afraid or grieving or just exhausted from life,” said Crawford. “We want them to think of the local church to run to during those times. The ‘help’ refers to practical assistance and the ‘hope’ refers to the biblical counsel we can offer. We have let people know in our congregation and in our community that we are here for them, whatever their needs are.”